вторник, 17 май 2011 г.

Bio coffee - no, bio sweets - yes, yes, yes!

Finally, I had the chance to taste a real bio coffee, produced according all the requirements for coffee to be licensed as bio (or at least, I guess it is according to them as it was prepared in a specialized bio shop). It was a pleasant experience to taste the coffee as there was a corner for drinks outdoors at the event I was attending, the weather in Sofia was beautiful that day and all the people were in good mood although they were trapped to spend the wonderful Saturday indoors staring at the stage or at the screen of their smartphones twitting questions to the speakers....

The coffee wasn't quite good, I should say, although with loads of milk added... It tasted as if prepared from sugar beet or something :-( Traditional (non-bio???) coffee won the match!

And don't ask me what the little thing beside the cup is - it was made of paper, very nicely designed, a small stone and a garlic inside - to keep us safe from the wind and the flu, probably ;-)
But the amazing thing were the sweets we were given to serve ourselves with....Wow! A woman owning a guest-house in a village somewhere in the Rila mountain has prepared them for us - the unknown guests of the event she was a speaker at. Thank you, Deshka!

Those were tasty amazing things - four types, but I liked most two of them: one made of pumpkin (the yellow ones at your left), and the other which looked as small meatballs steeped in sugar syrup which dripped all around (the brown ones at the right) and everybody's fingers were sticky with it, hankies were the most wanted good around... But it was funny, and nice, and - most importantly! - tasty in the old-fashioned home-made way :-)

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